AESCrypt - Free Encryption Option

Windows Documentation

Installing AESCrypt on Windows

Encrypting a File on Windows

Decrypting a File on Windows

Mac Documentation

Installing AECrypt on a Mac

Encrypting a File on a Mac

Decrypting a File on a Mac


Windows Installation

  1. Download AESCrypt from for your operating system.
  2. Extract the downloaded zip file.

  1. Go into the AESCrypt_version (version may vary) directory.
  2. Run the AESCrypt.msi file and follow the prompts.


Encrypting a File on Windows

  1. Right click on the file to be encrypted and select AES Encrypt.

  1. Enter a password that you will remember but will not be guessable and select ok.

  1. This process will create a second file with a .aes extension in the same folder as the original. That will be your encrypted file.


Decrypting a File on Windows

  1. Right click on the .aes encrypted file.

  1. Enter the password to decrypt the file and click ok.
  1. You should have the decrypted file in the same folder as the encrypted one. The decrypted file and the encrypted file.


Mac Installation

  1. Download AESCrypt from for your operating system.
  2. Open the downloaded file (version number may differ).

  1. Copy AESCrypt to applications folder.

  1. Try to open from applications folder. It should open quickly and close with nothing to do. If you get a box like the following please follow the additional instructions to allow AESCrypt to run

  1. Hit cancel on the “cannot be verified” window.
  2. Control + click on the AESCrypt application and select Open.

  1. On the “macOS cannot verify the developer” window click Open. AESCrypt should open and then close with nothing to do.


Encrypting a File on a Mac

  1. Find the AESCrypt application either in the launcher bar or in the applications folder.

  1. Drag a file to AESCrypt.

  1. Enter a password that you will remember but will not be guessable and select continue.

  1. Verify the password and select continue.

  1. A new file will be created with a .aes extension in the same folder as the original. This will be your encrypted file.


Decrypting a File on a Mac

  1. Double click on the .aes file you wish to decrypt.

  1. Enter the files password and click continue.

  1. You should have the decrypted file in the same folder as the encrypted one. The decrypted file and the encrypted file.


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Article ID: 120802
Thu 11/19/20 4:58 PM
Tue 11/24/20 2:10 PM