Step One: Go to File.
Step Two: Click the Account Settings button.
Step Three: Select Account Settings...
Step Four:Select the account and click Remove.
Note: You may receive a message that says your primary account cannot be removed. In this case, you will need to remove all profile accounts and re-add them later.
Step Five: If prompted to add a data file, select the data file tab and click "Add...". Save the file to the desktop and you may continue removing the account profile.
Step Six: You may now add the account by going back to File and clicking the Add Account button.
Alternatively, please consider these steps...
Step One: Exit Outlook.
Step Two: Go to the Start button.
Step Three: Go to Control Panel.
Step Four: Double-click Mail.
Step Five: Click Show Profiles.
Step Six: Select a profile (account).
Step Seven: Click Remove.
Please call the Service Desk at 509-963-2001 if you encounter any problems.