Need help with a MyCWU issue you are experiencing?


If you are having trouble we are always available to help and only a few simple clicks away! Follow these simple steps to open a service request with the Service Desk at any time.


If you find yourself in need of technical support on an issue related to MyCWU, please take the following steps.

Step One: Grab a screenshot of any errors you may see.  Hit the Windows button on your keyboard and type 'Snipping Tool' and push 'Enter'.  In the Snipping tool, select 'Window Snip' from the 'New' Menu.  Click on the error and save the screenshot on your local hard drive.

Step Two: Make note of what transaction you are on and what it is you were trying to do before the error and what you were expecting the system to do that did not complete successfully.

Step Three: From MyCWU under 'Other Links' select 'CWU Service Desk'

Step Four: On the Menu, select Services


Step Five: Select MyCWU & Business Systems


Step Six: Select 'Business Applications'


Step Seven: Select the appropriate area you are having trouble in:

Select appropriate MyCWU area


Step Eight: Click 'Request Service'


Step Nine: Fill in brief problem description, your name and select any areas that this may be affecting, your location and upload the screenshot you have taken.  Provide us a contact number to reach you if we have any questions and click the 'Request' button.  We will answer you shortly!


Step Ten: Enter a detailed description of what is happening,