CAPS+ - Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently Asked Questions for CAPS+, Central's Academic Planning System.



Frequently Asked Questions

  1. CAPS+ does not currently support the selection of multiple specializations within the same major. 
  2. Degree programs with variable credit courses (i.e. Music) may skew the initial course schedule.  Students must work with their advisors to manually edit their schedule.
  3. The CAPS+ schedule for unstructured degree programs may differ from the sponsoring department’s four-year plan.  This is because many courses within these programs do not require pre-requisites.  As a result, CAPS+ places them in the most logical order.
  4. If a course requires a certain grade was achieved in its pre-requisite (i.e. ENG102), CAPS+ assumes that the student earned the needed grade.  However, CAPS+ will then disregard any additional pre-requisite and may place the course in the same quarter as the post-requisite.  Workaround:  Student can work with advisor to move the course to another quarter on the calendar page.
  5.  If general education courses don’t satisfy a requirement line users need to make sure they are not breaking the various rules for general education courses (See “Breadth Requirements”).
  6. CAPS+ often places Capstone and Seminar courses as soon as the student has reached the eligible class standing.  Workaround:  Student can work with advisor to move the course to another quarter on the calendar page.
  7. As true of all PeopleSoft applications, if a user clicks another page while the initial page is loading, CAPS+ may become unresponsive.  Workaround:  Patience may be required while a page is loading.
  8. Due to system logic, if the student has not completed the necessary milestone CAPS+ may not place course sequences that require math pre-requisites in consecutive order (i.e. CHEM 181/182/183).



Article ID: 43593
Tue 12/5/17 5:37 PM
Thu 9/10/20 7:22 PM



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Tue 1/9/18 8:46 AM