This article will help you program and set up your voicemail with a couple of different messages. Besides your standard greeting message you should record a Out Of Office greeting for when your away from you desk either during the day, away for training or on vacation. You will also use these same programming directions to change your greeting back to your Standard Greeting when you return to work.
To change the greeting on your voicemail so you can set up an "Out Of Office Greeting", a "Busy Greeting" or to change your "Standard Greeting" Log in to your mailbox and:
press 4 (User Options/PhoneManager) and 4 for your standard greeting.
press 4 (User Options/PhoneManager) and 5 for your busy greeting.
press 4 (User Options/PhoneManager) and 6 for your out-of-office greeting.
Pressing the * key is like using an escape key, pressing the # key is like using an enter key.
Call the Service Desk at 2001 if you have any questions.