Login Issues and Usernames Explained

Login Username
When logging in to your MyCWU, Outlook, Canvas, and most other systems at CWU, you will use your login username. These will always take the form of: username@cwu.edu

Generally, usernames are a combination of your last name and the first few letters of your first name. For example, Wellington Wildcat's username is WildcatW, so he would log in with WildcatW@cwu.edu. Note that usernames are not case sensitive when logging in!

Email Address/Alias

At CWU, users have an email address that is a bit different from their usernames. These cannot be used to log in, but you can send and  receive email at this address. 

Email addresses (also known as Email Aliases) will always be in the format First.Lastname@cwu.edu. So Wellington Wildcat's email address would be: Wellington.Wildcat@cwu.edu. If your name already exists as a CWU email, a number may be added to the end, such as Wellington.Wildcat2@cwu.edu

You can also see all of this info in the "My profile" section of MyCWU


Common Issues

-When logging in, be sure to include @cwu.edu at the end of your username. 
-Do not use your address to log in: first.lastname@cwu.edu wont work!
-Be sure not to include any part of your username when making your password
-If you aren't sure what your username is, you can contact the service desk for help at (509)-963-2001

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