Adding Network Printers to a Mac


Adding and Using a Network Printer


It’s an L not a capital i

Network printers cannot be deployed to Macintosh computer workstations via CWU active directory GPO services.  Network printers must be added manually. Utilizing “Remote Desktop” is the preferred method for most CSS Mac technicians.

Info needed prior to performing the installation.

  1. Network printer CWU inventory tag number or host name. Obtaining the tag number/hostname for the printer (located on the device (label) and/or with the department secretary),
  2. Remote installation - Familiarity with Macintosh remote desktop utility and the MAC tag number.  See KB Mac Remote.
  3. Assumption – printer is a valid network printer registered in dBedit as such.
  4. This method of installing the printer will only work on campus within the CWU firewall.
  1. Remote to or log on to desktop directly.
  1. Open the Printers & Scanners preferences (Apple menu, System Preferences, Print & Scanners icon)
  1. Click on the + (Add) button.
  1. Click on the IP button in the toolbar.
  1. Choose Line Printer Daemon – LPD in the Protocol field (default).
  1. Within the Address field, type in the full printer DNS address, including the appropriate prefix and suffix, in the Address field. For example, to add the HP LaserJet 78808 to your printer list you’d type in the following:

 (tagged printers)

         if hostnamed (host name)

  1. Optional – You can elect to annotate the “Name” field to your preference.
  1. Fill in the location field if needed although it may auto populate.




  1. The printer driver may not show up in the “USE” field.  Do not use the “Generic drivers”.
  • Mouse click the selection arrows in the “USE” field.
  • Mouse click “Select software”.




  • Browse for the model of the printer you are installing. Note -entering the manufacture or model number in the “Filter” field will narrow down the selection



  • Highlight the desired printer and click “OK”. If the printer is not listed, you will need to go to the manufactures website, download the print driver, run the installer, and then come back to this point and select the correct driver.

  • Continue with the installation accepting the defaults.

  • Verify you have installed the printer by returning to the Printers and Scanners Preferences in the system preferences or launching an application you would normally print from and see if the printer is available.


If account management is enabled on the printer, accounting setup is necessary to access the printer services.


  • Account management has been enabled on the print services.
  • An access account has been created within the account management services on the desired printer for the local user.
  • The client will need to talk with the department secretary for access account credentials.
  • Printer driver is available on Mac.

  • Mac has standard CWU OS/Software load.

Printer accounting setup instructions.



Accessing configuration settings for different applications or software application versions can vary significantly but with standard installation a common method should be obtainable.  This example will be using MS Office Word 2016.  All Macs on campus should have a version of this available or one version back. This example illustrates setting up accounting on a Xerox. Other printers such as Cannons are different but hopefully the idea is enough to get you through them.


  1. Launch MS Word.

  2. From the drop down menu, select

    1. FILE,

    2. Print

    3. Make sure the correct printer is selected in the Printer Field.

    4. Copy & Pages to Xerox Features

    5. Paper/Output to Advanced

    6. In the Configuration field, mouse click Accounting

    7. In the Accounting System field, mouse click Xerox Standard Accounting

    8. Default User ID -Set to user assigned code from their dept. secretary.

    9. OK

    10. In Presets field, select “save current settings as preset

      1. Name the preset (example Xerox 7545)

    11. Print something to make the preset the default


  1. These settings will now work for all applications.



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