Requesting access to the Shared (S:) drive folders

Check With Your Secretary First!

Many departments opt to manage their own shared folder access.  This is typically done via the department secretary.  Check with that individual prior to going forward.


Making A Request

If your department secretary does not have access to manage network access, then you'll need to submit a ticket though this link:  If you run into issues completing the form, the Service Desk can be reached at 509.963.2001 or by email at

There are two important pieces of information to provide when making your request - authorization and location.

For authorization, provide an email from the data owner (Usually the secretary, manager, or department chair) authorizing your access to the specified location.  Alternatively, the data owner can contact service desk on your behalf to make the request.

For location, the exact folder(s) that you are requesting access to needs to be provided.  For S: drive network shares, the network path will start with \\\cwu_shares\Shared_Data - an example of a folder is shown below:

Managers, co-workers, or the department secretary can assist in identifying this for you.

If the request is for access to the 'Scratch' folder, you'll need to also ask for the specific scratch folder.  The most common subfolder will be something underneath \\\peoplesoft\Scratch\assp\output - a couple of examples are shown below:

Once access has been granted, typically the user will be asked to log off and log back in before the folder(s) appears in the S: drive.  The S: drive is mapped automatically through group policy.  If you do not have the S: drive mapped, ensure your computer is connected to the network and restart to try again.  If this fails, please contact the Service Desk.

For Service Desk:

When generating a ticket, use "ESS Network Folders Request" form and place the full path under the 'What is the name of the Network Folder?' field as shown below.  If multiple folders are being requested, place one here and the rest in the description of the ticket.

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