Post Admission Applicant Suspense Data

When at the Post Application Suspense Data page, you will select your run control like normal.

You will notice three new options available: Create New Users, Update Biodemo Data and Process applications, checklists, and communications.

(ignore "Enable diagnostic messages in log file". This is for troubleshooting and does not need to be used in general processing)

Each new option will break up the posting data into separate, more system-manageable processes. This will allow for better control over posting the application suspense data to PeopleSoft.

Note: For best results, the processor ought to check only ONE option at a time, allow the process to run to success and then allow it to post.

After each successful post, the processor will return to the run control on Post Application Suspense Data page and select the next check box. The processor will repeat this action for each of the three processes.

Step 1:

Step One: Begin by selecting Create New Users.

Step Two: Click Run.

Step Three: Wait for the process to successfully run and post. This may be monitored in the Process Monitor.

Step Four: Return to the Post Application Suspense Data page.

Step Five: Select your run control.

Step Six: Select Update Biodemo Data.

Repeat steps two through five.

Step Seven: Select Process applications, checklists, and communications.

Repeat steps two through five.

Additional Notes

  • You may also create separate run controls for each process.
  • Check for missing address information in the O:\assp\output\ad_outbound\SISToRadius folder.
  • You may also verify address information by running query CWAD_APP_ADDR_EXIST_B. This will show you address information for the current load post.

Step 2:

You can also run all processes at the same time by selecting all three boxes.

Please note that this may cause address errors.

If you encounter address errors in the post, go back to suspense and change all applicant statuses to "Update ID".

Once the statuses are changed, go to post suspense data and select only Update Biodemo Data.

Allow the process to run to success and post.

Check for missing address information and verify that address information is present in the update.

If you require any assistance, please create a ticket via TeamDynamix or call Rocky at x2683.


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