Creating and Attaching Custom Question Surveys - 10 Step Tutorial for SEOIs

*This document will walk you through the steps required to create Custom Question Surveys in the new EvaluationKIT and attach them to SEOIs for courses of your choosing.*

Adding custom questions to SEOIs is a four step process:

1. Create a separate survey with your custom questions.
2. Link the small survey to your SEOIs.
3. Verify your small survey is linked.
4. Kindly inform your students you have added additional questions to the end of your SEOIs for them to answer.

Sign into EvaluationKIT (You can get to EvaluationKIT through MyCWU and clicking on SEOIs under Applications)


Step One: At the top of the page, click the link titled “Custom Question Surveys”


Step Two: This screen displays surveys that have already been saved in past quarters. (Note: if you do not yet have any Custom Question Surveys created, the bottom area will simply say “No Surveys Found”).
To create a new Custom Question Survey, click the button labeled “Create New Custom Question Survey".


Step Three: First give your survey a title and a description (these surveys can be saved for future use, so this can be very useful).
Click the button labeled “Save New”.

The survey editor will open. From this screen you can begin building your survey from the given question types.


Step Four Once you have finished adding questions to the survey, click “Save”.


Step Five: The dashboard should take you back to the “Custom Question Surveys” page. The bottom section will now be populated with the new survey.
Next, you will attach the short survey you just created to the SEOIs for the courses of your choosing. Click the link labeled “Attach Surveys to Projects”.


Step Six: A page will load with all of the SEOI projects being used by your course(s). You start by picking the project to which you will attach your survey. For the purpose of this demonstration, we selected “Test of New Interface 7-14-15”.


Step Seven: Any surveys already attached to this project will be displayed in the bottom section. If you have not yet attached any, it will simply say “No Surveys Found”.
To add a survey, click the link labeled “Add Custom Question Survey”.


Step Eight: The first thing you must do is select the custom survey(s) you will be attaching by clicking the green check-mark next to each one you wish to attach.
When you’ve finished selecting the custom surveys, click the button labeled “Select Courses”.


Step Nine: Once you click the “Select Courses” button, you will be redirected to the Select courses for Custom Question Survey page. If you don’t have any currently selected courses, the Current Selected Courses table should be empty. To add a course to attach the custom question survey to, you will need to click the “Add Courses” button below the table.

Then a pop-up window appears and you have to select which courses you want to add the custom question survey too. Check the boxes next to which courses you wish to add the custom questions to and then click “Add selected courses” when you are done.



Now make sure you finalize the addition of the custom questions to the courses you wish to add them to by selecting the check boxes next to the courses to add the custom question surveys to and then click on the button labeled “Finish: Save Custom Question Survey”.



Once you’ve finished with either of the above methods for attaching custom surveys you can verify that they were attached successfully.
1st: Navigate back to the “Attach Surveys to Projects” page.
2nd: Make sure you can see the custom survey(s) listed, with the number of course SEOIs they are attached to.

(Click on the Project Name to check that the correct survey was added to the proper number of courses)

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