For students needing their 1098-T Tax Form, please follow the steps below.
Step One: go to
Step Two: Next, select the Sign In option on the top right.

Step Three: sign in with your MyCWU and password. If you are unsure what your credentials are, please refer to the Creating or Recovering your MyCWU Account article to recover your account.

Step Four: select the Student tab, click on Financial in the navigation bar on the left and click on "View My Student Account".

Step Five: Select the Account Services tab and then the 1098t Tax Form tab. You can view the 1098-T tax form for each specific year below. If the document does not load or appear, please make sure your pop-up blocker is disabled. Instructions can be found at Block or Allow Pop-ups in your Web Browser.
Note: Information has been removed from the following image to protect the technicians person information. Student info will be similar, but different information will be shown.

If this is the first time viewing your 1098-T Tax Form online, it might generate the message below. Be sure to Grant Consent if you would like to view your 1098-T online.