Adding non-Student persons to ECLC
The ECLC program can now distinguish student and non-student ID cards. The process to setup a non-student person is below. These instructions will assume that the child has already been added with the student as the contract holder.
Step One: Log into staff side of ECLC ( or
Step Two: Goto Add People

Step Three: Select Proper child and click “Choose Child”

Step Four: Enter the 8-digit CWUID on the non-parent connection card (the 8 digits after the “8” or the CWUID ID of the student/staff Parent) and make sure the checkbox “Check if person is not a student, but is a spouse of a student” is checked. Then fill out the rest of the fields as appropriate for the non-Student parent. When finished click add person.

Step Five: Below is an example when the student swipes.

Step Six: Below shows how the message differentiates the non-student Parent.