Regular User Mailbox vs. Shared Exchange Mailbox (SEM)

Regular Mailbox:

A mailbox that is associated with a single user account, and has the same credentials as the user account for logging into CWU services and machines.

Shared Exchange Mailbox:

A mailbox that is NOT associated with a single user, and is configured to allow access for multiple users. An SEM cannot be used to access CWU services including local machines, user account information, auxiliary services (e.g. Canvas, MyCWU, CLA Online, TeamDynamix) or shared file drives.

Important Notes:

CWU Information Services strongly encourages the use of SEM mailboxes when content needs to be shared with multiple users across the department. When using a regular mailbox, it is impossible to track accountability for multiple users. An SEM ensures your data stays secure and can be controlled only by the managers of the mailbox. The mailbox credentials do not need to be given to users in order to share content, and do not have account permissions for accessing CWU services. This means there are no passwords to keep track of, but only a simple web interface to add and remove users at will. The management of users who have access to the Shared Mailbox is much simpler and less prone to errors.

Before requesting that your department mailbox be converted to an SEM, please remember that it will be a mailbox only and will no longer have a username and password. This will include only the services associated with a mailbox such as Mail, Calendar, Contacts and Task capabilities.

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