Creating Your New CWU Account

Step one: Please visit the website

Create New CWU Account

The Create New CWU Account is only available to new students who have not signed into their MyCWU account.

For newly admitted students, a letter will be sent to the home address the CWU has on file for you. This letter will contain your CWU Username and CWU ID Number. You will also receive an email entitled: "Information regarding your MyCWU account."  This email will go to the email that provided to CWU when you applied. This may end up in a spam folder, please look there. If you still cannot locate the information please reach out to the CWU Registrar's Office at 509-963-3001. They are open Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm. If you no longer have access to the email you used to create your account, please call the Registrar's Office and let them know. 

This is the page you will see when you click the Create New CWU Account. Use the information you were sent to fill in the Username and CWU ID number fields.  Add your date of birth. Please make sure you use the correct format. Two digit Month, Two digit Day, and four digit Year.  

International Students! PLEASE NOTE! The US uses Month, then Date, then Year. This may be different than what you are used to. Please pay careful attention to this. Thank you. 

After filling in the fields and clicking the Verify Account button, you will receive instructions and an email with a temporary password will be sent to the personal email address you have in your file (the one you signed up with.)

Again, if you no longer have access to this email address, you will need to contact the Registrar's Office or the CWU Service Desk. If we are missing an accurate email address the Service Desk will have to set up a video call with you to verify your identity before proceeding.  The Service Desk can be reached by calling 509-963-2001, Monday through Friday from 7am to 5pm. 

Welcome to Central Washington University! 

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