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    Types of potentially malicious emails - SPAM, Phishing, Spear Phishing, Virus Hoax, Vishing, Smishing, Whaling, and Extortion/Sextortion.
    How to run a full virus scan with Microsoft Defender Windows Security.
    This article shows a new way to report phising attempts sent to your email on the desktop and online versions of Outlook.
    What is Proofpoint?

    Proofpoint is an e-mail filtering system designed to protect staff and students from phishing attempts and malware attacks. It is designed as a daily agenda showing alerts of possible malware being quarantined to prevent users from being accessing malicious links and attachments. This product inspects over 200,000 message attributes and currently has a good reputation of a high success of detecting spam.
    Make sure your Windows system is patched against threats similar to the Ransomware virus by taking these steps.