Your Outlook Online Archive (for mail over 2 years old)

Here at CWU, our Office 365 Server settings are set to move mail over two (2) years old to an archive repository for each user.  This process happens automatically, and is set on a university wide level.  There are a few things to know about your archive:

  • It will appear at the bottom of your mail client with the title "Online Archive - <Mailbox>"  for example "Online Archive -"
  • It will replicate the folder structure of your primary mailbox as items are moved to it.  For example if you have a folder "2015" that folder will be automatically created in your archive when the first item moves to it.
  • By default, it must be selected, and searched independently.  The default search setting is "Current Mailbox", meaning you would need to select your archive to search it.  If you wish to search everywhere, select "All mailboxes" from the search dropdown when conducting a search.
  • All mail is archived, not deleted.  Any delete actions must be made intentionally, we do not programmatically delete anything other than your "deleted items folder".  It is the responsibility of each employee to maintain their own records in accordance with state and university standards, and this also applies to email.
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