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    Some tips and techniques to identify a phishing attack.
    Types of potentially malicious emails - SPAM, Phishing, Spear Phishing, Virus Hoax, Vishing, Smishing, Whaling, and Extortion/Sextortion.
    How to change the Junk Email filtering level in Outlook to prevent Junk email from appearing in the Inbox.
    In depth explanation of how to block senders in Outlook 365.
    Email from address or domains on your Safe Senders list will never be treated as junk e-mail.
    This article shows a new way to report phising attempts sent to your email on the desktop and online versions of Outlook.
    A step by step guide on how to block a sender on the web version of the Student Outlook 2016.
    To review your quarantined email, log in with your CWU credentials at:
    What is Proofpoint?

    Proofpoint is an e-mail filtering system designed to protect staff and students from phishing attempts and malware attacks. It is designed as a daily agenda showing alerts of possible malware being quarantined to prevent users from being accessing malicious links and attachments. This product inspects over 200,000 message attributes and currently has a good reputation of a high success of detecting spam.