Gift in Kind Acceptance

All Gift in Kind forms MUST be signed by the donor!

Any forms not signed by the donor will not be accepted by the Foundation. The form must be filled out completely to ensure proper processing and to avoid any delays with receipting. If you have any questions please contact Riley Gulley.

Unencumbered jewelry, artwork, collections, automobiles, furniture and other personal property may only be accepted if the property can be of use to CWU or if the property is marketable.

Gifts of more than $5,000 require outside qualified appraiser (not the donor) under Internal Revenue Service regulations.

The written appraisal and Form 8283 must be filed with the donor’s tax return, both of which are the donor’s responsibility.

For additional policy and process details, please refer to the attached policy document.

Request Service


Service ID: 18127
Wed 3/1/17 2:09 PM
Wed 1/3/24 11:40 AM