Software Support

Office365, OneDrive, SharePoint, Teams and other general software support

Categories (8)

General Software Support

This category contains information on the assorted software in use around campus.

Internet Browsing

This contains information about clearing internet cache and download history and other internet support.

Mac Specific Support

These articles contain information about troubleshooting common Mac issues.

Microsoft Office and OneDrive

Microsoft Office and OneDrive Support


SharePoint resources

Outlook & Teams Meetings

How to schedule a meeting from within Outlook to be help in Teams Chat without participants being a member of any Team

Student Technology Guide

Category contains useful technology guides for student use. Including printing information, free Office 365 software and others.

Articles (6)

Change Display Settings in Windows 10

Step by step guide on how to change or modify display settings in Windows 10.

Change Display Settings in Windows 11

Step by step guide on how to change or modify display settings in Windows 11

Uninstalling a Program in Windows 10

Step by step guide on how to remove programs via the Uninstall prompt in the Control Panel.

What is Software Center?

This article describes what Software Center is and what it is used for