Email, Calendaring, & Shared Mailboxes

Outlook and other Email, Calendar and Shared Access Support.

Categories (4)


This category is for information and assistance with Outlook and Outlook Online.


Outlook's calendar has support here.

Mobile Device Email Setup

These articles will help you get your email account on your phone.

Shared Mailboxes and Accounts

Assistance and support for Shared Mailboxes and accounts can be found here.

Articles (7)

Pinned Article Adding Shared Mailbox (SEM) / Send as Shared Mailbox

A simple step by step guide that enables Shared Mailbox settings in Outlook for Office 365 and 2016

Instructions On Managing Distribution Lists in O365

This article provides instructions on how to manage CWU distribution lists that you are an owner of.

Managing Personal Safe/Block Lists in Proofpoint

Shows how to manage safe/block lists in Proofpoint

Quarantined Email

To review your quarantined email, log in with your CWU credentials at:


This article is about how to encrypt an email which is critical for maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive information during transmission.